Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring cleaning, spring salad, spring-ey

As I fold oh-so much laundry and start thinking about plotting my garden and airing this house for spring, it has come to my attention that organization may well be a Biblical principle.  While we are no where told, 'Be ye organizedith," I see over and over again how God has organized everything, and how every little detail of life is so....  intentional.  It makes me wonder how I'm doing.  Am I intentional in my day to day tasks?  With he words I use when teaching (or disciplining) my children?  With the encouragement I give my friends?  With how I treat my husband?  It gives me a lot to think about.  Does this mean that I have to always have my refrigerator cleaned out and my cabinets arranged alphanumerically by size?  Probably not; but it sure sounds amazing!!! 

*big ominous silence*

Well then.  Back to the task at hand.  I'm pondering over lunch, since neither of the kiddos have yelped down exclamations of hunger, and still thinking about the amazing salad from the other night.  What?  You like amazing salads, too??? 

I thought you might!

Stelle's Spring Salad
         (yes, I know that it's winter.)
Probably the easiest salad I make, you need spring greens, glazed walnuts, fresh strawberries, feta cheese, and your favorite red wine or balsamic vinaigrette.

It's as easy as putting your 'toppings' on the greens, and serving with dressing.  Voila!

(And before you tell me that your kids won't eat it...  let me promise you that my five year old tells me that it's favorite salad, and that he loves feta cheese.  I think it may be the sweet berries and the glazed nuts that do him in.  :))

It makes a wonderful contrasting side to many a pasta dish or with grilled steak or roast.

Since it's soooo pretty, here's an up close and personal shot.

Ohhhh....  the freshness of it!

~Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.  And in Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.  Psalm 139:16~

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